From: Michael Everson (
Date: Thu May 20 2004 - 12:21:16 CDT
At 09:49 -0700 2004-05-20, Peter Constable wrote:
> > From: []
>On Behalf
>> Of Michael Everson
>> I hope this satisfies you.
>If they are consistent and reliable, I'm satisfied with them. I hope you
>will be preparing a page for corrigenda / errata.
That's what is for.
>It's not a big issue, but I don't understand why the dates don't match:
>was "Arab" added on January 9 or May 1? So, they're not entirely
Because long long ago when I thought that ISO was going to publish
the document on my birthday (sigh) I put 2004-01-09 on the document;
that didn't happen, and it wasn't published until 2004-05-01.
>Also, it appears you have not fixed a serious error in the
>plain-text file: it is not well-structured. Some rows have 6
>columns, and some have 7.
That might be fixed in the newest one.
-- Michael Everson * * Everson Typography * *
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