Re: ISO 15924 draft fixes

From: Philippe Verdy (
Date: Thu May 20 2004 - 16:21:55 CDT

  • Next message: John Hudson: "Re: Response to Everson Phoenician and why June 7?"

    From: "Peter Constable" <>
    > > From: []
    > On Behalf
    > > Of Michael Everson
    > > I hope this satisfies you.
    > If they are consistent and reliable, I'm satisfied with them. I hope you
    > will be preparing a page for corrigenda / errata.
    > It's not a big issue, but I don't understand why the dates don't match:
    > was "Arab" added on January 9 or May 1? So, they're not entirely
    > consistent.
    > Also, it appears you have not fixed a serious error in the plain-text
    > file: it is not well-structured. Some rows have 6 columns, and some have
    > 7.

    No the structure is correct, however the text file was prepared by copy/pasting
    HTML text inserted in empty cells, namely the "&nbsp;" character reference (that
    contains a syntaxic semicolon conflicting with the CSV separator). That's the
    first thing I had signaled to Michael several days ago, and he has acknowledged
    it and corrected it in its new update.

    I have already signaled almost all bugs and inconsistencies to Michael, and
    prepared corrected files.
    Micheal has just changed the online version (but with the wrong dates...that's

    There is still a conflict of "Code" for Mandaean, is it "Mand" or "Mnda"?
    - Table 1 (HTML by Code):
    - Table 2 (HTML by N°):
    - Table 3 (HTML by Name):
    - same thing for Table 3 (plain-text by Name)
    - Table 4 (HTML by Nom):
    As Michael indicates that the plain-text should be the reference, then it
    suggests "Mnda" and not "Mand"... But the new plain-text version uses "Mand"...
    I had already signaled it in a past message... So it's also irritating.

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2.1.5 : Thu May 20 2004 - 16:22:33 CDT