Re: ISO 15924 draft fixes

From: Philippe Verdy (
Date: Fri May 21 2004 - 05:31:21 CDT

  • Next message: Philippe Verdy: "Re: ISO 15924 draft fixes"

    Philippe Verdy wrote:
    > Michael Everson wrote:
    > > Philippe Verdy wrote:
    > > >There is still a conflict of "Code" for Mandaean, is it "Mand" or "Mnda"?
    > >
    > > Mand.
    > OK This is now corrected on the new HTML pages.
    > But the new "normative" plain-text file now contains... "Mnda" !!!

    I updated my own Excel sheet at:
    with the addition of 'Phags-Pa, and new fixes by Michael.
    Also browsable in HTML:
    Or downloadable:

    About cell background colors:

    - "light blue" signals the english or French names that have been kept when
    removing duplicate rows with alternate names.

    - "yellow" signals the changes that have already been applied with the previous
    published version.
    (I see that some dates have been changed for a row without any change in the
    other fields in any of the 5 previous tables, when compared to their first
    published version.)

    - "light red" signals missing changes:
    * dates that should be changed but have still not,
    * the case of Asomtavruli whiwh has been removed but is not signaled in changes,
    * the PropertyValueAlias="Common" for Code="Zyyy", as found in the UCD
    * the missing change from "Mnda" to "Mand" in the current plain-text version
    (change already applied in the currently published HTML versions of table 1 and

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2.1.5 : Fri May 21 2004 - 05:32:11 CDT