From: Philippe Verdy (
Date: Fri May 21 2004 - 08:27:54 CDT
From: "John Cowan" <>
> Philippe Verdy scripsit:
> > > Please go to Langues'O for this commentary. As I wrote, you will be
> > > probably answered with the historical context.
> >
> > C'est quoi Langues'O ? Où est-ce ?
> Please forgive me for intruding into an internal francophone matter, but
> whenever I see "Langues'O", my mind insists on correcting it into
> "Langues d'O", as in "Histoire d'O". Not that I read French.
Here I was asking to Antoine Leca what was "Langues'O" and where it was...
Because I don't know that resource (or it's nor the name with which I may have
seen this resource before...)
Yes the name is strange by itself ("Langues" is French, but the combination with
an apostrophe or quote after this word is strange for me too, uncommon in French
except for transliterated foreign words, because the opostrophe normally
designates a truncation of a word and "Langues" is complete by itself with its
plural mark).
The terms "Langues d'O" makes me think more about "langues d'oc" which is the
french name for a set of historic Romance languages in today's Southern France
(from which Occitan also named in France "Provençal" is a member, as well as
"Gascon", and a region in the South of France is named "Languedoc" with that
linguistic reference); it is opposed to "langues d'oïl", the set of historic
Romance languages in the North (from which Old French or "language françoise" is
born to evolve to French "langue française"; other "langues d'oïl include
regional languages in France: "Picard", "Angevin", "Poitevin", "Gallo"...).
The terms "Langues'O" makes me think about "langues orientales" (which in French
commonly designates semitic and asian languages, i.e. mostly the whole
afro-asiatic family).
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