From: Michael Everson (
Date: Mon May 24 2004 - 11:12:27 CDT
At 08:26 -0700 2004-05-24, John Hudson wrote:
>Because they want to search documents in the Hebrew *language* using
>Hebrew characters in search strings?
They can do that.
>Because they don't want to guess in what script variant an online
>corpus is encoded when doing searches?
They have to already, since many use Latin transliteration.
>Because plain-text distinction of script variant text in the same
>language is just about the least important thing in their work?
Other people have other work.
>Because they have yet to see a good argument for why anyone would
>need to make such a distinction?
They don't want to see the arguments as good. That doesn't mean they
aren't good arguments.
-- Michael Everson * * Everson Typography * *
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