From: Mark Davis (
Date: Tue May 25 2004 - 10:19:58 CDT
1. I've been involved with Unicode since the beginning, and I can't recall our
ever getting a proposal from Alan Groves, nor do we have any record of anything
from him in our document repository. You have alleged this before, without ever
providing any substantiation for when a document was delivered to the Unicode
Technical Committee.
Saying that people "ignored" something that they never were made aware of in the
first place is a pretty creative use of the term "ignored". On that account, one
could say that Aristotle ignored the Mayan contributions to mathematics...
2. You have complained repeatedly about the lack of characters for Hebrew, but
have never submitted a documented proposal to the Unicode Technical Committee as
to what those might be (see If
you or anyone else wants to have a document considered by that committee, then
you must submit the document via the submission form on the Unicode web site.
I will remind you again that is simply a public discussion
list. It has *no* effect on the deliberations of the Unicode Technical Committee
unless documents are prepared and submitted.
► शिष्यादिच्छेत्पराजयम् ◄
----- Original Message -----
From: "E. Keown" <>
To: "Michael Everson" <>; <>
Sent: Mon, 2004 May 24 15:46
Subject: Re: Response to Everson Ph and why Jun 7? fervor
> Elaine Keown
> Tucson
> Dear Michael Everson:
> The *point* is that everything that's screwed up in
> Unicode Biblical Hebrew (well, almost everything)
> could have been done correctly in the first edition of
> Unicode, if the early Unicoders had listened to Alan
> Groves and others.
> They were the first set of experts that were
> ignored...
> the Unicode Hebrew list wouldn't have spent 9 months
> discussing the incorrect stuff ad eternam, I would
> already have a Ph.D. in corpus linguistics, and be in
> Barcelona aligning Hebrew and Spanish, eating tapas,
> and listening to flamenco.....
> instead of participating in the "Thread from Sheol,"
> and wondering if I will ever be a computational Hebraist.....Elaine
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