From: Michael Everson (
Date: Tue May 25 2004 - 13:00:29 CDT
You posit that there is a 22-letter Semitic
script and that we should not encode any of its
You suggest that *diascript is to script as dialect is to language.
It is arguable that Swedish, Bokmål, Nynorsk, and
Danish are dialects of the same mutually
intelligible Scandinavian language. Yet they each
have their own formal orthographies and are, in a
sense "encoded".
In the same way, even if Phoenician and Hebrew
are *diascripts of an underlying 22-letter
Semitic script, that doesn't mean that they
should not be encoded.
I think this argument is at an end. I am tired of
false analogies and fake challenges.
Separate encoding of Phoenician will not ruin
Unicode forever for Semitic studies. Not one of
the claims made by any of you to the contrary
have any merit.
-- Michael Everson * * Everson Typography * *
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