Date: Tue May 25 2004 - 15:06:19 CDT
I believe this is a common misunderstanding. For these cases we do not
require Unicode bidi support, it is only needed to cope with mixed
directionality, as is common in modern Hebrew and Arabic.
Just laying out the text from right to left or from top to bottom is not
a plain text issue, although you could use the Unicode LRO/RLO formatting
In HTML, you could use <bdo dir=xyz> to force a piece of text to be layed
out right to left or left to right irrespective of the properties of the
characters involved. There is no technical or other reason not to add
boustrophedon, if anyone would wish to finance it or to do it for free
for Mozilla.
On Tue, 25 May 2004 15:15:31 -0400 Dean Snyder wrote:
> Archaic Greek could be written right-to-left, left-to-right, or
> boustrophedon.
> I'm asking for technical advice as to how such variability in writing
> direction streams in the same script can be, and should be, handled in
> Unicode, and how it should be dealt with in a Unicode proposal.
> Respectfully,
> Dean A. Snyder
> Assistant Research Scholar
> Manager, Digital Hammurabi Project
> Computer Science Department
> Whiting School of Engineering
> 218C New Engineering Building
> 3400 North Charles Street
> Johns Hopkins University
> Baltimore, Maryland, USA 21218
> office: 410 516-6850
> cell: 717 817-4897
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