From: Michael Everson (
Date: Tue May 25 2004 - 16:00:55 CDT
At 14:00 -0400 2004-05-25, wrote:
>Michael Everson scripsit:
>> Trump seems to mean something else in English these days.
>Not really. In the game of tarot/tarocchi, which is a species of
>whist, there are a fixed set of trumps; in successor games using the
>standard deck, which suit is trumps is determined by one of a
>variety of procedures. "Major arcana" for pre-20th-century decks is
Nevertheless it is the modern term (in divinatory Tarot at least).
>Your complaint that modern decks don't appear as fonts is a direct
>consequence of the copyright laws, since such fonts clearly infringe
>the copyrights on the decks.
Possibly. Possibly it's just devilish to draw such things. Certainly
as modern icons, the Rider-Waite "glyphs" are best known. Perhaps not
in the Francophonie; I don't know.
>We're lucky to have the two Marseilles Tarot fonts at all, but the
>fact is that we do have them.
If we buy them. ;-)
-- Michael Everson * * Everson Typography * *
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