Re: Question on CLDR number patterns

From: Mark Davis (
Date: Tue May 25 2004 - 20:18:18 CDT

  • Next message: Eric Muller: "Re: Question on CLDR number patterns"


    The decimal format looks like the following:


    The digit zero is the Arabic-Indic symbol:

    This has long been a part of Java. It uses the ten characters starting at that point for the digits. The information is currently at

    Sorry about the links: Sun appears to have a new policy of not maintaining stable links. CLDR 1.1 (due very soon) updates the links. (We should add documentation in the future so that we don't depend on anything from Sun.)

    BTW, it would probably be better to float your questions on the CLDR mailing list. There are instructions for joining it on And if you have suggestions for improving the documentation (or data), you can file bugs through (it's too late for CLDR 1.1, but we can get them for 1.2; we can also add informative material in between releases).

    ► शिष्यादिच्छेत्पराजयम् ◄
      ----- Original Message -----
      From: Eric Muller
      Sent: Tue, 2004 May 25 12:42
      Subject: Question on CLDR number patterns

      The decimal pattern for Arabic/Kuwait contains U+0660 ٠ ARABIC-INDIC DIGIT ZERO, apparently for the MinimumInteger part (using the Java DecimalFormat terminology), presumably to select the set of Arabic digits. However, this mechanism does not seem to be part of the Java patterns, so I suspect it was added by CLDR. But the best description I have been able to find is in UTR #35:

        The numbers element supplies information for formatting and parsing numbers and currencies. It has three sub-elements: <symbols>, <numbers>, and <currencies>. The data is based on the Java/ICU format. The currency IDs are from [ISO4217]. For more information, including the pattern structure, see [JavaNumbers].

      (The last pointer goes to the J2SE 1.4.1 documentation, and Sun says "Products listed on this page have completed the Sun End of Life process. ", btw)

      So where can I find the documentation on the use of something other than U+0030 0 DIGIT ZERO in a CLDR number pattern?


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