Re: [OT] Decode Unicode!

From: Curtis Clark (
Date: Sat Sep 25 2004 - 12:00:08 CDT

  • Next message: Doug Ewell: "Re: Unicode & Shorthand?"

    on 2004-09-25 09:18 Philippe Verdy wrote:
    > Not completely true. It is a bit less than 2 bits, due to its
    > replication chains, and the presence of insertion points where
    > cross-overs are possible.

    And ASCII is less than 7 bits when LZW is applied.

    > But the effective code is a bit more complex
    > than just the ATCG system, as some studies have demonstrated that the
    > DNA alone has no function out of its substrate, whose nature influence
    > its "decoding".

    ASCII of course has plenty of function outside its substrate. That's why
    I can rename a text file with the .exe extension, and it runs just fine. :-)

    Curtis Clark        
    Web Coordinator, Cal Poly Pomona                 +1 909 979 6371
    Professor, Biological Sciences                   +1 909 869 4062

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