Re: Eudora 6.2 has been released

From: Donald Z. Osborn (
Date: Wed Nov 17 2004 - 18:29:43 CST

  • Next message: Paul Hastings: "Re: Eudora 6.2 has been released"

    Is there any kind of "hall of fame/shame" presentation on what software does &
    does not support unicode? I know the topic of new software and support for
    unicode came up before on this list and there were some interesting responses,
    and also that there are excellent sites on unicode resources, but I'm not aware
    that the info is presented in this way.

    Also, what about a commercial & FOSS "unicode compliant" certification that
    could go on software boxes and download sites (different from the Unicode savvy
    logos discussed a while back, at least as I understood the latter).

    More to the point, has anyone spoken with any of the designers/marketers of
    Eudora about why they made the choice they did? Might be illustrative.

    Don Osborn

    Quoting Christopher Fynn <>:

    > Michael Everson wrote:
    > > It still has no Unicode support.
    > > Isn't that disappointing.
    > Hi Michael
    > You've been complaining about this for years - maybe time to switch to
    > something else?
    > The Mozilla Thunderbird mail client works very well with Unicode.
    > <>
    > Thunderbird & Eudora both use the same "mbox" format to store messages.
    > On PC's MS Outlook Express also works very well with Unicode - though
    > some people have security concerns about it.
    > - Chris

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