From: John Hudson (
Date: Fri Nov 26 2004 - 17:20:39 CST
Jony Rosenne wrote:
> One of the problems in this context is the phrase "original meaning". What
> we have is a juxtaposition of two words, which is indicated by writing the
> letters of one with the vowels of the other. In many cases this does not
> cause much of a problem, because the vowels fit the letters, but sometimes
> they do not. Except for the most frequent cases, there normally is a note in
> the margin with the alternate letters - I hope everyone agrees that notes in
> the margin are not plain text.
Jony, what do you think plain text is? Why should the arrangement of text on a page as a
marginal note be considered any differently from text anywhere else *in its encoding*? Are
you suggesting that Unicode is only relevant to ... what? totally unformatted text in a
text editor?
John Hudson
-- Tiro Typeworks Vancouver, BC Currently reading: The Peasant of the Garonne, by Jacques Maritain Art and faith, by Jacques Maritain & Jean Cocteau Difficulites, by Ronald Knox & Arnold Lunn
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