Re: OpenType not for Open Communication?

From: Edward H. Trager (
Date: Mon Dec 06 2004 - 12:40:44 CST

  • Next message: Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk: "Re: Nicest UTF"

    > I suspect that font vendors generally do not use the term "unicode-font"
    > as it is ambiguous: the intent would be to mean that the font comforms
    > to Unicode encoding, but most customers out there would understand it to
    > mean that it covers all the characters in Unicode. For the most part,
    > font vendors are creating fonts that use Unicode, platform vendors (at
    > least Mac and Windows -- Linux is too fractured a scene to make a
    > general statement) are designing their software to use Unicode, and a
    > growing number of application developers are doing the same.

    The really big, important applications and code libraries on Linux like
    the KDE Desktop, the Gnome Desktop, Sun's OpenOffice, IBM's International
    Components for Unicode (ICU), GNU glibc, and Mozilla's Firefox all use Unicode.
    Recent Linux distributions from RedHat and Novell/SuSE ship with UTF-8
    locales enabled by default right out of the box. Therefore I think
    one can now accurately characterize Linux as designing software to use Unicode
    at at least the same level as occurs in Mac, Windows, and Sun Solaris.

    -- Ed Trager

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