Re: [hebrew] Re: proposals I wrote (and also, didn't write)

From: John Hudson (
Date: Mon Dec 06 2004 - 23:50:27 CST

  • Next message: Jony Rosenne: "Samaritan"

    Mark E. Shoulson wrote:

    > I don't know. I try to avoid politics, if possible. The significance
    > of what I'm saying is that you have made a good start in your proposal,
    > that it has some shortcomings, and that I hope to be able to help put
    > something more complete together.

    It would be great if there were eventually a proposal, based on all your contributions, to
    which you would all be happy to attach your names, and which would be recommended to the
    UTC by all interested parties.

    > I'll have to look closely at samples again, but it seems to me that the
    > accent marks are not pointing and thus not combining marks (though the
    > vowel points of course are combining marks). They appear to be used
    > more as punctuation than as letter-diacriticals.

    Do you mean that they are spacing characters?

    John Hudson

    Tiro Typeworks
    Vancouver, BC
    Currently reading:
    The Peasant of the Garonne, by Jacques Maritain
    Art and faith, by Jacques Maritain & Jean Cocteau
    Difficulites, by Ronald Knox & Arnold Lunn

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