infinite combinations, was Re: Nicest UTF

From: Peter R. Mueller-Roemer (
Date: Sat Dec 11 2004 - 10:53:12 CST

  • Next message: Peter Kirk: "Re: US-ASCII (was: Re: Invalid UTF-8 sequences)"

    Philippe Verdy wrote:㰡䑏䍔奐䔠桴浬⁐啂䱉䌠∭⼯圳䌯⽄呄⁈呍䰠㐮〱⁔牡湳楴楯

    > The repertoire of all possible combining characters sequences is
    > already infinite in Unicode, as well as the number of "default
    > grapheme clusters" they can represent.
    For a fixed length of combining character sequence (base + 3 combining
    marks is the most I have seen graphically distinguishable) the repertore
    is still finite.
    I am enthused about some nicely distinuishable sequences e.g. u + macron
    + diaeresis shows nicely as a long long vowel u-Umlaut, whereas u +
    diaeresis + macron displays as long vowel u with trema above to be
    spoken as a separate vowel. BRAVO! I do not see a good reason why does
    not work for all other base characters, particularly on all vowels (e,
    i, o combine in undesirable fashion, a only in one newest version of a
    unicode font).

    I can add an accute accent to each sequence but the accent is smuged
    into the previous complex characters in an ugly default overtype mode.

    Another GOOD solution: The single combining Hebrew-dagesh point 'finds'
    the right 'inner' place in all the Hebrew consonants and some Latin base
    characters, why should overtype uglyness be allowed in many other cases.

    There seems to be no difficulty to implement composition of complex
    character from inside out.

    Can't we join forces to request a default graphical representation, so
    that legible, distinguishable complex symbols must be generated by
    future unicode-fonts? The technical details are not too complex and the
    expressiveness and ease of use of Unicode would be greatly enhanced.

    The Greek accute and grave accents should by themselves combine centered
    over any base-character; and if together with a spiritus asper or lenis
    should be minimally separated from the accent horizontally and display
    centered over the base character.

    Hebrew vowel-points and accents also need to be fitted under any single
    base characteer.

    Samaritan complex characters should be composable of short combining

    Peter R. Mueller-Roemer

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