Arabic and HTML

From: Eric Carwardine (
Date: Mon Jan 31 2005 - 04:20:59 CST

  • Next message: Peter Kirk: "Re: Surrogate points"


    To support a project which has an 'announcement-only' mailing list at -

    I've set myself the task of learning all I can about creating webpages that
    use English-character HTML to display Arabic text. A colleague suggested
    this could be achieved using 'Unicode' to represent Arabic characters.

    I'm aware there are many Arabic text fonts, and that some Windows operating
    system keyboards can be set to type in Arabic (mine can't, as Windows-98
    appears not to have this facility) but I guess I need to start somewhere.

    Any pointers as to where I might look next would be greatly appreciated.
    Feel welcome to contact me off-list if preferred. I've placed my full
    contact details below.

    Eric Carwardine
    40 Coops Avenue
    WA 6108
    Phone: +61 8 9459 2130
    Mobile: 0408 918 959

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