Re: Surrogate points

From: Hans Aberg (
Date: Mon Jan 31 2005 - 12:24:13 CST

  • Next message: Hans Aberg: "Re: Surrogate points"

    At 14:18 -0800 2005/01/30, Doug Ewell wrote:
    >In any case, it is incorrect to state that the choice of this block was
    >due to "failure to given UTF-16 a proper design." Other blocks, such as
    >the "obvious" 0xF800 through 0xFFFF, were already occupied.

    It makes the character number allocations dependent of a particular
    encoding, which is wholly unnecessary.

    >2. Noncharacters 0xFFFE and 0xFFFF
    >The designation of 0xFFFE and 0xFFFF as "noncharacters" goes back to
    >Unicode 1.0 (1991), although that term was not used at the time. The
    >numeric value -1 has a long history of being used as a "sentinel" value,
    >to indicate the end of a series of real values. This works fine for
    >non-negative numeric data, such as inventory counts, but caused problems
    >in existing 8-bit character sets where the value 0xFF might have a real
    >To solve this problem, Unicode 1.0 set aside the value 0xFFFF as NOT
    >corresponding to an actual character. This way, programs that used
    >16-bit values (i.e. all Unicode programs at the time) could safely use
    >it as a sentinel without fear of colliding with a real character
    >assignment. This was completely intentional.

    Again, one sets these values aside in the encoding, if necessary, not in the
    character model.

    >Claiming that either of these features of Unicode is the result of poor
    >design of UTF-16 is simply wrong. It is an uninformed opinion based on
    >inadequate consideration of the facts.

    So obviously, the guys who did this design, did not understand to clearly
    separate the character model from the encoding.

    >Hans, I don't know how long you spent on this list as a silent observer
    >("lurker") before you began posting, but evidently not long enough.
    >When I joined this list, I spent almost a year lurking before I made my
    >first post. I listened to the experts. I made plenty of wrong
    >statements of my own, but accepted the criticisms and corrections of
    >those who obviously knew more than I did. I learned the history of why
    >things are, and perhaps most importantly, I learned the importance of
    >Unicode's stability policies, which explain why it is TOO LATE to make
    >major architectural changes that would invalidate all existing
    >While I admit a year may be excessive, I strongly suggest you take some
    >time off to READ the list, read the FAQ's, read the book (on-line or
    >hardcover), read the UAX's and UTS's and UTR's, and THINK about why the
    >Unicode Standard is the way it is, and what can -- and cannot -- be done
    >to change it. The choice is entirely up to you, but if you do not do
    >the necessary homework to draw reasonable conclusions and ask reasonable
    >questions, your posts will continue to reflect your lack of
    >understanding, and will be ignored by more and more people.

    I was clearly, more or less, aware of the facts you at some length put up,
    before I was posting. The idea was that the intelligent reader should
    notice, before replying.

    So, evidently, your one year of lurking didn't help you.

      Hans Aberg

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