From: Donald Z. Osborn (
Date: Tue Feb 01 2005 - 00:49:18 CST
Here is a contribution to this discussion by Samuel K. Olamijulo. It was posted
on the Yoruba language & ICT board at (message # 166).
I like the "both-and" (as opposed to "either-or") solution to the diacritic
issue mentioned in the letter - i.e., two alternative standardized systems, one
denoted "standard" (dots), the other "classical" (small vertical line). How
that will work in practice is another issue, but it shouldn't be so complex.
Perhaps the standard system could be used in most contexts and the classical
one be an option. Even searches should be able to be adjusted to accommodate 2
systems? In any event, better 2 systems and everyone happy than 1 system and
some folks opting out, or no system and everything a mess.
The suggestion concering a single coding for the underdiacritics raises complex
issues unless one allows for Yoruba fonts to use the dot-under codepoints for
characters with a more linelike dot appearance (as a style) than was foreseen
in the character charts. So in effect the "classical" appearance would rely on
sylistically different fonts, not on different combining diacritics.
I had trouble accessing the page cited in the message but maybe you'll have
better luck...
Don Osborn
Subject: Yoruba Letters Undermark Discussion Update- Jan 05
Dear Dr Don Osborn and James Fox,
[ . . . ]
2. In April 2004, there was a useful discussion with inputs from experts and
Yoruba language stakeholders from all over the world on the Yoruba Vowels and S
undermarks issue. Find contributions links is at :
It is useful for Yoruba Language Products Developers in particular and modern
Yoruba Speakers, Writers and Students all over the world in general to be at
least aware of some of the many Yoruba fonts and keyboards currently available.
This should equip all stakeholders to participate better in the worthy pursuit
of useful harmony in the face of different potential choices. Informed
contributors observed that variety in Yoruba font styles is neither bad nor
unique among font styles available for many other languages generally
worldwide. It appears reasonable and practicable in contemporary Yoruba to
accept the suggestions for a "standard" Yoruba using the dot under "E,e";
"O,o"; "S,s" and a "classical" Yoruba using the vertical line under "E,e" ;
"O,o"; "S,s" .
The drive is to get the same code assigned to these two styles of the same
letter leaving the installed font to render it one way or the other as per the
underlying chosen style of the font. This should facilitate the development and
better distribution of many more user friendly UNICODE COMPATIBLE YORUBA
PRODUCTS AND SERVICES for the good of all Yoruba Language stakeholders
It is useful to know what various experts and Yoruba stakeholders think now.
Olamijulo S.K.
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