Re: 03F3 j Greek Letter yot

From: Otto Stolz (
Date: Thu Feb 17 2005 - 08:30:52 CST

  • Next message: Patrick Andries: "Re: 03F3 j Greek Letter yot (was Re: IDN problem.... :( )"


    > At 07:27 AM 2/16/2005, Peter Kirk wrote:
    > Indeed this was even found on the cover of the 1957 edition of "DER
    > GROßE DUDEN" (see image in N2888), so Duden speaks with a forked
    > tongue on this one. And Unicode is supposed to represent actual usage,
    > whether or not it is officially recognised.

    Asmus Freytag schrieb:
    > I'm sure you are aware that the split of the country also affected the
    > Duden, in a way that split went deeper than a mere 'forked tongue'.

    Indeed, "DER GROßE DUDEN" (see image in N2888) was the Leipzig (Eastern)
    counterpart of the Mannheim (Western) "DUDEN : Die Rechtschreibung : Maß-
    gebend in allen Zweifelsfällen" (original casing exactly quoted).

    Best wishes,

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