Re: IDN spoofing

From: Tom Emerson (
Date: Thu Feb 24 2005 - 11:55:16 CST

  • Next message: Erik van der Poel: "Re: IDN spoofing"

    Erik van der Poel writes:
    > There is a different way to think about this issue. East Asian children
    > are taught to read and write the thousands of complex Han characters, so
    > they are more attuned to spotting small differences between them.

    I'm not sure I buy into that. Sometimes the differences are *very*
    minor, and with smallish screen fonts may be difficult to see,
    especially when scanning text. Spotting the difference between 15
    strokes and 16 strokes is difficult for anyone. Add in the thousands
    of ideographs added in Plane 2 and you are asking for phishing

    Tom Emerson                                          Basis Technology Corp.
    Software Architect                       
      "Beware the lollipop of mediocrity: lick it once and you suck forever"

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