Wallpaper your room with Unicode

From: John Hudson (tiro@tiro.com)
Date: Sun Mar 20 2005 - 19:25:43 CST

  • Next message: Theo Veenker: "zipped UCD"


    For anyone looking for a somewhat smaller and more colourful version, Johannes
    Bergerhausen has made some very nice posters to promote his 'Decode Unicode' project. They
    only cover the BMP, but were a big hit at the ATypI conference in Prague last year,
    altough delegates reported great difficulty getting the large rolls home on the plane:


    John Hudson

    Tiro Typeworks        www.tiro.com
    Vancouver, BC        tiro@tiro.com
    Currently reading:
    A century of philosophy, by Hans Georg Gadamer
    David Jones: artist and poet, ed. Paul Hills

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