Re: Malayalam Zero - an error

From: Kenneth Whistler (
Date: Thu Apr 07 2005 - 12:06:16 CST

  • Next message: Philippe Verdy: "Re: Malayalam Zero - an error?"


    > Then, I simply do not understand why Ken would say that the chances are
    > "next to zero" that the UTC would correct a possible Malayalam zero error
    > in the charts "along the lines that Philippe has suggested" (namely
    > changing the glyph).

    Because that wasn't all that Philippe suggested.

    > then the existing character on U+0D66 and
    > named "MALAYALAM DIGIT ZERO" can't be removed,


    > but a usage notice can be
    > added in the chart if it actually designates one half.

    Wouldn't happen.

    > If there's such an
    > error, then the error comes from ISCII.

    Incorrect speculation.

    > Then another character would be needed to represent the Malalayam digit
    > (U+0D65 or U+0D70 ?)

    Wouldn't happen.

    Philippe's *other* suggestions, regarding the alternative approach
    of modifying the glyph for U+0D66, are reasonable, if the
    committees come to a consensus that such a glyph change is


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