Re: CLDR 1.3 Beta now available (fr collation)

From: Philippe Verdy (
Date: Fri Apr 22 2005 - 16:24:19 CST

  • Next message: Magda Danish \(Unicode\): "(no subject)"

    From: "Rick McGowan" <>
    > The 1.3 version of CLDR is now at at beta status, and available via
    > <>.

    I just downloaded it, and I wonder why, in the "fr" collation file, we only
    see these tailoring rules:

    The rules for ae and AE French ligatures are correct, meaning that the ae or
    AE ligatures have a secondary difference with the non-ligated vowels, no
    primary difference with them, and then there's a tertiary difference between
    the ae and AE ligatures.

    But why isn't there something similar for the much more common oe and OE
    French ligatures?


    Aren't they missing? I can't see them in the "root" collation file. Are the
    oe/OE ligatures already in the Default UCA Collation Elements Table (unlike
    the ae and AE French ligatures that I know will sort as separate letters in
    other languages like Dutch, and for which tailoring is justified here).

    Also isn't the commented form preferable, as the uncommented form uses a
    character pair which should inevitably be converted into the second form in
    a DFA-based collator engine? Is UCA now recommending NFA-based collator
    engines? I think that the deterministic form for French is small enough to
    be used instead of the non-deterministic form (note: any DFA form is also a
    NFA form, the reverse is false of course).

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