Re: Deseret Unicode

From: James Kass (
Date: Fri Apr 22 2005 - 20:12:53 CST

  • Next message: Michael \(michka\) Kaplan: "Re: Deseret for 'What is Unicode?'"

    Magda Danish wrote,
    > Thanks to John Jenkins, we now have "What is Unicode?" in the Deseret alphabet"
    > at
    > This page can be viewed on a MAC but not on machines with Windows OS. Sorry!

    Of course Deseret Unicode text can be viewed on Windows.

    For example, the page displays just fine in the Opera browser.

    There are two factors involved which prevent this page from being

    The first is that the text is in UTF-8. Some browsers on Windows can
    handle this just fine, but Internet Explorer can't. An Internet Explorer
    user can "Save As" user defined. This converts the UTF-8 material to

    The second factor is that the STYLE sheet used with many of the
    "What is Unicode?" pages forces some browsers to use inappropriate
    fonts. If the selected fonts don't cover the Unicode range of the
    text itself, it isn't surprising that the text doesn't display.

    In the case of this Deseret page, the first choice for fonts in various
    sections is either "Arial" or "Century Schoolbook", neither of which
    cover Deseret. Opening the file "standard_styles.css" and changing
    the font names to something appropriate will enable the page to
    display. (This only works if you save the web page "complete" and
    you can only edit the copy on your own system.)

    Similar display problems exist with the recently added Ethiopic script
    pages. All of the Unicode 4.1 characters display as "missing glyph"
    boxes here, even though I have an appropriate font installed.

    Other popular pages, like the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
    pages in many languages, suffer the same display fate with regards
    to "missing glyph" squares appearing needlessly in the display.

    In my humble opinion, the best practice is to *not* specify fonts
    in multilingual text pages unless it is assured that *all* users have
    access to the *same version* of the specified font. Otherwise there
    will be display problems.

    Best regards,

    James Kass

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