Re: Cyrillic guillemotleft and guillemotright

From: Philippe Verdy (
Date: Fri May 13 2005 - 17:38:00 CDT

  • Next message: Adam Twardoch: "U+01B5/01B6"

    OK, so the Cyrillic pair of chevrons have two heights, with the kerned one
    smaller than the "external" one.

    I don't know if it is really "Cyrillic", but I think they would be usable in
    French too, and some people may be drawing them like the ones you provided.

    The encoded guillemots do not have a mandatory glyph form, so if a font maps
    them to the "Cyrillic" glyphs you sent, I don't think that French users will
    complain, even if these forms are very unlikely among French users who are
    told to use a kerned pair of chevrons with equal size.

    So I can't make further arguments about French which apparently doesnot care
    about this difference. May be your Cyrillic guillemots merit separate
    encoding, if there are other languages than French where such distinction
    would be useful because the form or width of strokes, the size, angle, and
    position relative to the baseline may be mandatary.

    With your argument about "French" guillemots, your claim for a difference
    may be wrong because this difference does not seem significant for French.
    I'd like to see the arguments from French typographers, if they consider
    that the "Cyrillic" chevrons are acceptable in French text as simple
    stylistic variants only (i.e. they should not be encoded separately for

    What may be really important is the fact that the relative difference of
    size in each pair of chevrons is important for proper rendering of Cyrillic
    text, as well as the rounded form of the strokes (your samples shows that
    strokes are not straight segments, but I don't think that the stroke
    termination style or angle style is important, if you consider that Cyrillic
    texts need to be drawn also with simple pens that do not allow controlling
    well the stroke width and the angle form.)

    Couldn't this "Cyrillic" glyph form be controled by the surrounding cyrrilic
    text context?

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Hans Aberg" <>
    To: "Philippe Verdy" <>
    Cc: <>; <>
    Sent: Saturday, May 14, 2005 12:15 AM
    Subject: Re: Cyrillic guillemotleft and guillemotright

    > At 23:45 +0200 2005/05/13, Philippe Verdy wrote:
    >>I can't read your EPS file attachments, but you seem to assume that
    >>the "French" guillemots only have the glyphs shown in the Unicode
    > I have converted them to PDF.
    > --
    > Hans Aberg

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