From: faraz siddiqi (
Date: Tue May 17 2005 - 12:37:41 CDT
Dear all
how r u ? thanx for ur support in my last problem, i am making an email editor for urdu from which my client wants to relay emails in urdu language its all right now i want to ask that i have written middle tier to grab urdu data from user interface and relay data to destination, i whave written middle tier just like engllish my question is smtp by default support utf-8 encoding or i have to implement some external things to render it in correct format ? please give me some samples if u have any , i am nwe to programming i ned support from you people
Dear All
AOA i am making a unicode urdu email editor i want to i write midle tier to grab and relay data from text boxes as we do for english please let me know smtp by default will send data or i have to change code or implement some external commands, pls help me i am new to programming and got my first project related to unicode
>From: Hans Aberg <>
>To: "Doug Ewell" <>
>CC: "Unicode Mailing List" <>
>Subject: Re: ASCII and Unicode lifespan (was: Corrections to Glagolitic)
>Date: Tue, 17 May 2005 18:25:27 +0200
>At 06:56 -0700 2005/05/17, Doug Ewell wrote:
>>Hans Aberg <haberg at math dot su dot se> replied:
>>> It can be instructive to check the history of ASCII. See for
>>> It says that the presently most widely used form is ANSI
>>> So that standard has been in active use only 19 years.
>>That's not a standard, it's a version of a standard. That would be
>>talking about
the life expectancy of "Unicode 4.1" instead of
>Of course.
>>For 99.9% of ASCII usage, there is no difference between the 1967
>>version of ASCII and the 1986 update. I believe the update had to
>>with the issue of treating 0x24 as a nationally variable "currency
>>versus hard-coding it to the dollar sign.
>It could mean that Unicode has a few more years of longevity to hope
>for. :-)
> Hans Aberg
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