From: Alexander Kh. (
Date: Wed May 18 2005 - 06:49:28 CDT
Dear Michael Everson,
I appreciate your interest in Glagolitic script. Please say hello to
your professor, whose comments I have read and understood.
If he is not a Christian, please tell him the good news: neither Cyrillic
nor Glagolitic were invented by no Christian. The so-called Cyrillic script
was there long before first christians came North and "converted" first
"pagans" by killing their families and locking up the orphaned children as
well as women in monasteries. The old name of the script is Boukvitsa and that
original script has 49 letters in it.
I know he will ask for prove as most scientists do, for science is another
form of religion where the God is the Proof, which of course does not need
to be a fact: a word of an "authority" in particular field is often enough
proof for most cases. I will not try to "convert" him or anybody else.
For those who are interested:
I agree that Christians introduced a lot of innovations in Boukvitsa which
resulted in the so-called "Church-Slavonic" writing system. Among those
innovations are the punctuation symbols and space between words. Christians
used a lot of abbriviations for such common words in Bible as "Lord". The
short form uses 3 letters instead of 7 of the full form "GOSPOD'" becoming
"GD'" with a titla on top. There is also "r'tsitnoye titlo" which, when
placed above letters means, the letters are to be read by their names.
Now here is a questions for those out there who has the ability to think: if
the Christians invented these two scripts to "transliterate Bible from Greek"
(like it would not be easier to teach "illiterate" pagans the Greek script),
why did not they name the letters accordingly correspondint to top 10 words
used in the bible? Nothing in the letter names suggests a trace of Christian
In fact, what Did the Christian monks invent? Think about it. People of the
North did not convert easily. There is much evidence of that in the fact
that many "pagan" traditions were adopted by Christianity. One of them is
use of idols and icons: using or even making those are strictly prohibited
by Bible in 10 commandments. Is not a Cross with a God on it an idol?
The cremation process was widely used by "pagans" of North, and in its simple
form it still widely spread in India. This process is called "Kroda" in Russian.
Many "pagan" holydays are taken over by Christians, for example "Koupala" which
is a holyday of God Koupala, and christians named their St. John Baptist "Ivan
Koupala" in Russia. Also "St. Iliya’s Day" coincided with Perun's Day.
For those out there who are mathematicians, here is a nice one to think about:
take any Letopis (year book) and read something like "V'' LETO ..." 6857 (numbers
written as letters) which corresponds to year 1349 in this example. Please don't
hesitate to take a calculator and check that 2005-1349=656 and 6857+656=7513.
If the writing came from Greece, where did the calendar come from???
My best regards,
Alexander Kh.
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