From: Peter Kirk (
Date: Fri May 20 2005 - 08:18:59 CDT
On 20/05/2005 13:53, James Kass wrote:
>From: Peter Kirk <>
>>Well, Klingon has been rejected, but Deseret and Shavian have been
>>encoded although I am unaware of any non-fantasy use of these scripts,
>>and Tengwar and Cirth, which are certainly fantasy scripts, are roadmapped.
>Why do you consider Deseret and Shavian to be fantasy scripts?
Are either of them actually used except in fantasy type situations?
Perhaps Deseret had a very small amount of more serious use from the
short time when it was promoted for actual use, but its current use
seems to be for fantasy only. Shavian may also have been designed for
serious use, but its actual use has been for fantasy only. I suppose
their very limited historic use justifies them being encoded in the SMP.
But, while I don't object to encoding of Tengwar and Cirth, they are
entirely fantasy scripts.
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