From: John H. Jenkins (
Date: Sat May 21 2005 - 14:49:17 CDT
On May 21, 2005, at 1:55 AM, Michael Everson wrote:
> At 09:24 -0600 2005-05-20, John H. Jenkins wrote:
>> BTW, I think where we're running aground is on the use of the term
>> "fantasy script." I'd define that as a writing system developed
>> initially (if not primarily) for use in a fictional universe.
> Yes, but what good is this term?
Oh, it's handy to use in looking down one's nose at scripts like
Klingon of whose genesis one does not approve. :-) In practice, it
doesn't make that much difference, since it is current use which IMHO
is the key factor, not origin.
John H. Jenkins
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