Re: hebrew font conversion

From: Chris Jacobs (
Date: Sun May 22 2005 - 13:35:36 CDT

  • Next message: Jony Rosenne: "RE: hebrew font conversion"

    Add at the start of each reversed word a U+202D LRO and at the end a U+202C

    Also somehow the weird idea comes into my head that visual hebrew should be
    disunified from logical hebrew and encoded as a separate script.

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Raymond Mercier" <>
    To: <>
    Sent: Sunday, May 22, 2005 6:45 PM
    Subject: hebrew font conversion

    [This is really a question for the Hebrew Computing Forum, but I have tried
    there and drew a blank.]
    The problem is that I composed many documents in Word using an ad hoc Hebrew
    font, and wish to convert to Unicode.
    When I run a macro that exchanges the old codepoints for the U+Hebrew
    points, the characters in each word are reversed. I have tried to cure this
    by writing another macro using StrReverse() . Sometimes this works, but
    there are problems - especially with tables.
    Does anyone have experience of this, and or/a solution ?
    I will have the same problem with Arabic Word docs.
    Raymond Mercier

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