Re: hebrew font conversion

From: Raymond Mercier (
Date: Mon May 23 2005 - 08:53:40 CDT

  • Next message: Tom Emerson: "Re: Transliterating ancient scripts [was: ASCII and Unicode lifespan]"

    I have now have had a chance to try out the SIL converters at
    and find some limited success. Sometimes the whole line is successfully
    reversed, but at other times nothing happens.
    Or it may progress so far down the pages, and then stop.
    I am trying it with both mixed Hebrew/English and Hebrew alone.
    If applied to the whole document the program just hangs. I get itto work by
    specifying the font.

    The built-in Hebrew-Latin conversion does not match the assignments in my
    own font, but after getting the reversal I apply my macro to remap the
    characters to unicode, and if the reversal was successful this remapping
    goes through.

    I have not yet undestood how to create a .map file to suit my own font.


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