RE: browser encoding settings

From: Dean Harding (
Date: Mon May 30 2005 - 23:32:18 CDT

  • Next message: Paul Hastings: "Re: browser encoding settings"

    Let me just make sure I understand your question. You're sending an email
    encoded in some native Urdu encoding (whatever that may be), and you're
    looking at the emails in Yahoo/Hotmail, which send data to the browser
    encoded using UTF-8, and you're wondering how it does the conversion?


    Like most character set conversions, they probably convert it from whatever
    the source encoding is to some form of Unicode (usually whatever is most
    convenient for the platform), and then into whatever output encoding they
    wanted (in this case UTF-8).


    If "whatever is most convenient for the platform" is UTF-8, then they may
    just convert directly from the source encoding to UTF-8.





    From: [] On
    Behalf Of faraz siddiqi
    Sent: Tuesday, 31 May 2005 1:04 pm
    Subject: browser encoding settings


    AOA All

    this is my first email on this group , i am working on an urdu email editor
    and it is in final stages , can anyone tell me the way through which my emai
    automatically convert brwoser's encoding settings to utf-8 when it viewd in
    yahoo,hotmail etc



    Faraz Siddiqi
    IGT & E (C/G) GHQ Ministry of Defence Chaklala Cantt Rawalpindi
    0300-5348722 0333-2604790


    >From: "faraz siddiqi" <>
    >Subject: email rendering in unicode
    >Date: Sat, 21 May 2005 20:56:57 +0000

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2.1.5 : Mon May 30 2005 - 23:33:06 CDT