Tamil split vowel selection and colouring (Re: It is easy to predict the past.)

From: Patrick Andries (patrick.andries@xcential.com)
Date: Tue Jun 14 2005 - 16:33:22 CDT

  • Next message: Michael Everson: "Re: Arabic letters separated by markup"

    Peter Constable a écrit :

    >But for a case like this, it is not at all difficult to convert the Tamil string into a bitmap, colour the parts that you want, and insert that into a slide.
    I could have indeed, I actually kept it like this just to show some
    apparent limitations in common tools ;-) This being said, calling for
    bitmap conversions seems to betray an underlying problem.

    For instance, it is not possible to visual select only the split vowel
    in Powerpoint, or BabelMap for that matter (the whole syllable with its
    surrounded consonant gets selected). But a single backspace when the
    cursor is positionned at the end of the Tamil syllable does delete the
    split vowel surrounding the consonant (ka).

    P. A.

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