Re: French accented letters (was: Re: Monetary decimal separators)

From: Antoine Leca (
Date: Mon Sep 19 2005 - 11:06:21 CDT

  • Next message: Marion Gunn: "Re: Dead keys (was: "Re: Monetary decimal separators")"

    On Monday, September 19th, 2005 14:07Z Doug Ewell wrote:

    > Antoine Leca <Antoine10646 at leca dash marti dot org> wrote:
    >>> Partly relevant to this is the perception that in Italian, the
    >>> uppercase form of é is E'.
    >> I do not believe this is the underlying reason.
    >>> This idea exists because the standard Italian keyboard contains
    >>> a key for lowercase é but not for uppercase É.
    > Sorry, I think you misunderstood me.

    Yes, it seems so. I am sorry too.

    > I meant that in both French and Italian, constraints
    > on either typewriter technology or computer keyboard layouts have
    > caused a perceived orthographic change in the handling of capital
    > letters with accents.

    I agree the similar constraints are driving reasons for the existence of
    fallback orthographic mechanisms (I only disagree about which technologies:
    as I said, it occured as soon as in the XVIIIth c., so typewriters are
    hardly relevant. Much less computer keyboards. ;-))


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