Re: Punctuation character (inverted interrobang) proposed

From: Marion Gunn (
Date: Thu Oct 20 2005 - 03:54:54 CST

  • Next message: Markus Scherer: "Re: LAO LETTER FO SUNG... wikipedia"

    That might work.

    Scríobh Philippe Verdy:
    > ...
    > This character should better be a ideographic symbol, that effectively
    > escapes the normal grammatical rules when it is used in a sentence (so no
    > need of an inverted form for Spanish, as it is not grammatically correct in
    > Spanish either).

    Marion Gunn * EGTeo (Estab.1991)
    27 Páirc an Fhéithlinn, Baile an 
    Bhóthair, Co. Átha Cliath, Éire.
    * * *

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