Re: Fw: New IPA Symbol for Labiodental Flap

From: Andrew West (
Date: Mon Nov 07 2005 - 11:06:18 CST

  • Next message: "Re: Fw: New IPA Symbol for Labiodental Flap"

    On 07/11/05, <> wrote:
    > This is not the same character. SIL made a proposal (with a letter from
    > IPA) to UTC in September and it was approved for acceptance to Unicode.
    > Tentative codepoint is 2C6F.
    > See: - n2931.pdf

    Something not quite right here. The document named "N2931.pdf" on the
    SIL site is WG2 document N2945 (see
    <>). N2931 is actually
    the "Proposal to Encode Additional Latin Orthographic Characters for
    Uighur Latin Alphabet".


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