Re: Origin of the U+nnnn notation

From: Kenneth Whistler (
Date: Tue Nov 08 2005 - 18:54:24 CST

  • Next message: Philippe Verdy: "Re: Origin of the U+nnnn notation"

    > And why bother with +-? It seems sufficient that one knows that a
    > leading symbol is followed by a non-negative integer identifying the
    > abstract character.

    Visual clarity.

    It is easier to visually segment:

    U+00F0 U+0CAE U+4EBD U+ABBD U+0880

    than it is to visually segment:

    U00F0 U0CAE U4FBD UABBD U0880

    They are logically equivalent as representations, of course,
    but for *reading* purposes, it is easier to see the hex as
    a unit if a nonletter symbol separates the leading (letter)
    symbol from the digits and letters in the hex.

    Some people accomplish the same thing with casing, which
    can work pretty well for the letters, but doesn't help so
    much with the cap-height digits:

    U00f0 U0cae U4fbd Uabbd U0880


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