From: JR (
Date: Wed Nov 16 2005 - 14:22:14 CST
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Rick McGowan
> Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2005 8:45 PM
> To:
> Subject: RE: Exemplar Characters
> "JR" wrote,
> > > borrowings like résumé and café? Who can say with authority?
> > It is used, but not commonly used, certainly not on the west
> > side of the pond.
> Speaking of "Religious wars", the above is incorrect. I live
> in San José,
> California, and the name of my city is *commonly* written
> with an accent.
> All the time, by ordinary people, and government. It's part of our
> heritage, and the usage is increasing all the time.
> See for example:
> City of San José:
> San José State University:
> San José International Airport:
> Our History park:
> Rick
I note that in the actual text pages one can get to from these home pages it
is often just San Jose.
We all know that accented letters do appear in English in borrowed words.
The disagreement is about the interpretation of this fact - should the
exemplar character set, main or auxiliary, include them or not. I'm afraid
that by carrying the case to extremes one could end up with the entire
Unicode in the exemplar set of all locales. I don't think this is the right
direction, nor is it useful.
When the people of San Jose choose to respect the Spanish origin of the
name, then they are using Spanish orthography, not English. It just isn't
Another point, especially relevant to the apostrophe: CLDR, in my mind,
should be descriptive, rather than didactic. It should describe the
situation as it happens to be, not as it should have been.
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