Re: Some Missing Astrological Symbols

From: Anto'nio Martins-Tuva'lkin (
Date: Wed Nov 16 2005 - 19:41:32 CST

  • Next message: Doug Ewell: "Re: Exemplar Characters"

    On 2005.11.14, 21:28, Kenneth Whistler <> wrote:

    >> 4 symbols for the main belt asteroids Ceres, Pallas,
    >> Juno, and Vesta, a symbol for the Centaur minor planet
    >> Chiron, one for the virtual point Black Moon Lilith,
    > These six can be found on the cover of the book,
    > The Asteroid Ephemeris 1900 to 2050. See:

    At < >, < http://www.asi\
    .org/images/2001/ >, <\
    =2349&sid=4432f3431c74364be92061aa902abcdf > and <\
    mil/hilton/AsteroidHistory/minorplanets.html >, Ceres looks like an
    U+02A1 (barred glottee) (*), but at <\
    science/core/6th/sciber6/SSYSTEM/ASTEROID/asteroid.htm > it is more like
    U+2731 U+031F (asterisk with barred long stalk); both are present in the
    mentioned book cover.

    Most other sources I checked use the latter (U+002A U+031F; asterisk with
    barred long stalk) to Juno, though. Exception for <\
    mil/hilton/AsteroidHistory/minorplanets.html >, which gives for Juno a
    Venus sign with asterisk above it. This asterisk appears with both eight
    < > and six spokes < http://www.\ >.

    The page <\
    TEM/ASTEROID/asteroid.htm > gives for Vesta what looks like U+2565 U+0306
    (horned altar?), but others have it different: <\
    ges/2001/ >, <\
    ets.html > -- perhaps it is the same symbol but less or differently

    Pallas is symbolized by U+25B3 U+031F (triangle with cross "handle") in
    almost all sources I saw, ex.: < >; that
    is replaced in the mentioned book cover by a lozenge with "handle" (U+25CA
    U+031F), as also at <\
    2349&sid=4432f3431c74364be92061aa902abcdf >.

    Chiron is the circle with "k" stalk above, U+26B2 U+1DDE, a fairily recent
    symbol, I gather. All about it at < >
    (in Swedish).

    As for Lilith, the symbol seems to be a filled ("black") U+263E (or U+263D
    sometimes), which is missing in the standard (though we have both "black"
    U+2600 and "white" U+263C suns, apart from the actual symbol U+2609).

    At < >
    there is a list of symbols, though marked as «old symbol»s. The
    bibliographic source given is Gould, B.A. (1852): “On the Symbolic
    Notation of the Asteroids”. _Astron. J._ *2*: 80.

    At <
    1c74364be92061aa902abcdf > (in German), there's plent of symbols, some of
    them for quite recently discovered bodies.

    -- ____.
    António MARTINS-Tuválkin | ()|
    <> |####|
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