From: Mark Davis (
Date: Thu Nov 17 2005 - 12:06:05 CST
We have provisions for references in LDML, so information can be annotated.
Antoine Leca wrote:
>On Wenesday, November 16th, 2005 23:48Z, Mark Davis wrote:
>Re-reading the whole text showed me we might lack something: a textual data
>(I'd call it "00Meta") which could be used to keep the memory of the
>decisions done about the progressive build of a particular locale.
>Then other translators than the first one could refer to it in order to keep
>consistent rules through the whole locale; and the (often acrymonic)
>discussions about style could then be confined in the edition of _this_
>00Meta data, rather than scattered between various threads, where it is
>probably difficult to collect them later.
>Since this 00Meta data is not for final user consumption, it can be updated
>more often without too much harm; on the other side, having it clear would
>help to speed up the updates of the other datas.
>Some examples of the data content (of course, it is expected the content
>will be written in the native language of the locale, I just used English
>here to make my point clear):
>- dictionnaries used as reference (in order):
> - xxx, Somewhere 19xx, xxx pages;
> - yyy, Elsewhere 200y, yyy pages;
> - <URL:http://blahblahblah....> as of 200z-zz-zz
>- we note accents on all letters including capitals!
>- the ^ accent is dropped (according to blah blah blah); the ring is kept on
>words of Scandivian origin [or the reverse, it is just an example ;-)]
>- "îles" should be written [... in some uniform way!]
>- initial letter is in small case unless it is always written in upper case
>[or initial letter for xxx, yyy and zzz are upper case]
>- please [don't] follow the recommendations of the Whoever reform of 19zz
>- we strictly follow standard SSSsss:19ss, and then we track newer datas
>using Whatever Source; ask SomeContact if youy believe there is a spelling
>error in the standard, don't report a bug here
>- we do not use standard NNNnnnn:19nn, since it is not used in practice, but
>rather blah blah
>- datas for foo and bar have been approved for use by SomeAdministration
><URL:http://official publications gov...>, care should be exercised if they
>need to be modifed [or] speak with SomeCharge if it needs an update
>- datas for baz and oof have been blindly extracted from the databases of
>AnotherBigBrother, Inc. (which we thank here for sharing it), and should
>probably be reviewed and enhanced
>- character \ughjk (U+ghjk) is intented to be replaced with ? if it does not
>exist in the target encoding scheme
>[for a region-less locale, "qq":]
>- we favour the usage of SomePlace since it is also often used in
>AnotherPlace; the spellings which differ for BigBrotherPlace will go in the
>locale for that region, qq_BB
>- we thank She, He, and She for their reviewing work.
>- SomeAgency greatly enhance the quality of this locale repository by
>allowing He to work blah blah blah
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