Re: Hebrew script in IDN (was Exemplar Characters)

From: Mark E. Shoulson (
Date: Thu Nov 17 2005 - 14:38:53 CST

  • Next message: Mark E. Shoulson: "Re: Hebrew script in IDN"

    JR wrote:

    >>If that is the case then surely the real characters must be allowed.
    >They are not included in the Hebrew keyboard.
    No more are curved apostrophes/quotes on most keyboards. And yet the
    CLDR formats document says (under "special considerations"):

    > The data in the locale repository should contain the most
    > appropriate choice of characters for the representation of the
    > text. It may thus include Unicode characters that are not included
    > in a given legacy character set. In particular, the data may
    > contain curly quotes and apostrophes (such as in “can’t”), and
    > similar characters such as the letter modifiers in ʻōlelo Hawaiʻi.
    > These characters provide more distinctions than are available with
    > the generic ASCII repertoire. They may be “downcast” to the best
    > available characters when the data is imported into systems with a
    > more limited repertoire of supported characters.
    This situation seems to be entirely analogous: you have characters that
    do a better job of distinguishing between letter and punctuation, and
    also are better shaped, which are not available in many settings. And
    we are told to use the better characters and let legacy situations
    degrade as they may.


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