RE: How many characters?

From: Peter Constable (
Date: Wed Nov 23 2005 - 14:21:50 CST

  • Next message: Jony Rosenne: "RE: Hebrew script in IDN"

    > From: Asmus Freytag []

    > >Re the BMP: Doing a hand count of Cf characters in TUS4.1, I come up
    with 33. Not
    > 31, not 35.
    > >
    > I also find 33, as follows:

    I was counting Cf. Ken pointed out to me offline that "format" is
    documented at TUS4.0, p. 25 as Cf + Zl + Zp. That would bring the count
    of "format" to 35 (and "graphic" down by two).

    > >Han Compatibility: 457
    > >
    > I find 467 as follows:

    That was a typo; I meant 467.

    Peter Constable

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