FW: Subj: How to encode Hex10FFFF characters with UTF-16??

From: Magda Danish \(Unicode\) (v-magdad@microsoft.com)
Date: Fri Mar 10 2006 - 15:18:50 CST

  • Next message: Ken Lunde: "Re: Subj: How to encode Hex10FFFF characters with UTF-16??"


    I'm sending your inquiry to the Unicode mailing list <http://www.unicode.org/consortium/distlist.html>.

    I hope someone will help answer your question.

    Magda Danish
    Sr. Administrative Director
    The Unicode Consortium

    -----Original Message-----
    Date/Time: Fri Mar 10 15:14:25 CST 2006
    Contact: Kornkreismuster@web.de
    Name: Kornkreismuster
    Report Type: Error Report
    Opt Subject: How to encode Hex10FFFF characters with UTF-16??


    I've got a problem to understand how it is possible to encode Hex10FFFF characters with UTF-16. If I try to calculate the range of UTF-16 I always get a maximum number of Hex10F7FF.


    (DBFF - D7FF) * (DFFF - DBFF) + D7FF + FFFF - DFFF
    (High Surr.) (Low Surr.) (0 to D7FF) (D800 to FFFF)

    Please tell me how to encode Hex10FFFF characters.

    Thank you!



    -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- (End of Report)

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