Re: East Asian Emphasis Marks (Japanese bouten, etc)

From: fantasai (
Date: Mon Mar 13 2006 - 19:44:27 CST

  • Next message: fantasai: "Re: East Asian Emphasis Marks (Japanese bouten, etc)"

    Kenneth Whistler wrote:
    >>BTW -- what happens if the emphasized word also has ruby?
    > The typical solution for that is to use *both* sides of the
    > text.
    > Vertical text: emphasize on the left (with sidelining) and ruby
    > on the right.
    > Horizontal text: emphasize on the bottom (with underscoring)
    > and ruby on the top.
    > I suppose you could find examples of emphasis styling *of* ruby,
    > in which case, you'd have (in Japanese vertical text), sesame
    > dots applied *to* the ruby as a sideline to them.

    I suppose that makes sense. But the question is, what happens
    if the author specifies both bouten and ruby on the right?
    Presumably they stack, but in what order?


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