Re: Myanmar Innwa encoding questions

From: Mark Leisher (
Date: Wed May 03 2006 - 17:07:15 CST

  • Next message: Ngwe Tun: "Re: Myanmar Innwa encoding questions"

    Ngwe Tun wrote:
    > Dear Mark Leisher
    > Why don't you use Teckit implemented by SIL? We are using TecKit
    > conversion tools for Win-Innwa conversion.
    > you may get more information at

    That pretty much solves our conversion problems. I didn't know about
    your stuff or Teckit. Probably because I was too lazy to check the
    Unicode list archives first. Thanks!

    Mark Leisher
    Computing Research Lab              They never open their mouths
    New Mexico State University         without subtracting from the
    Box 30001, MSC 3CRL                 sum of human knowledge.
    Las Cruces, NM  88003                 -- Thomas Bracket Reed (1839-1902)

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