Re: On stability policies

From: Philippe Verdy (
Date: Thu May 25 2006 - 14:48:14 CDT

  • Next message: Raymond Mercier: "Re: Egyptian Demotic"

    From: "Asmus Freytag" <>
    > If it is deemed useful at some point to
    > explicitly preserve 'historical' conventions, a mechanism could be
    > invented in CLDR to preserve previous, but now outdated conventions. In
    > such a case, I would not be surprised to see guarantees preventing the
    > change of such 'frozen' conventions.
    > However, that's not the current model for the CLDR.

    I tend to think that it is too soon to freeze historical conventions, given their still current "beta" status and many inconsistances, omissions and errors in the current database.

    However there are already some historical conventions in the database, regarding locale variants with or without revized orthographies of some languages. But, like the newer default conventions, the historical conventions are also in beta and can't be frozen now.

    And there are already historical data about dates, timezones, and currencies.

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