Re: Case folding

From: Mike (
Date: Fri Jun 09 2006 - 11:43:28 CDT

  • Next message: Andreas Prilop: "Re: Case folding"

    Christopher Vance wrote:
    > On Thu, Jun 08, 2006 at 04:02:55PM -0700, Mike wrote:
    >> Some of the recent discussions have led me to
    >> question my implementation of upper/lowercasing
    >> and case folding. Currently I simply iterate
    >> through a string exchanging characters with
    >> their replacements. I don't first normalize
    >> to any form, or do any reordering of combining
    >> marks afterward.
    >> My question is, should I be doing these things?
    > Since case relationships are locale-specific, should we assume your
    > implementation is aware of this?

    No, currently it does not take locale into consideration.
    It does not handle the dotless i, for example.

    But my question is simply should I perform NFD(x) prior
    to toLowerCase()/toUpperCase()? And maybe again afterward?
    I will get around to the locale-specific stuff someday ;-)


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