Re: Tentative Definition of Casefolding

From: Richard Wordingham (
Date: Mon Jun 12 2006 - 14:47:56 CDT

  • Next message: Jérémie Hornus: "Re: PDFs of Unicode Standard Annex"

    Philippe Verdy wrote on Monday, June 12, 2006 2:26 PM

    > Wow! If the Unicode standard which is accurate for Standard English

    Is it?

    > deviates from what is expected by those that use deviations from the
    > English standard, then those deviators are really intolerant, if they want
    > standard English to adopt also their deviation:

    These spellings are generally associated with having money! There's a
    dictum that people with money spell their names as they want to, as in the
    aristocratic 'Beauchamp' compared to the more lowly 'Beecham', or
    'Cholmondeley' compared to 'Chumley'. The Duke of Wellington's family
    started out as plain 'Wesley', becoming 'Wellesley' as their fortunes rose.
    I give you a quotation from P.G. Wodehouse:

          "Sir Jasper Finch-Farrowmere?" said Wilfred.
          "ffinch-ffarrowmere," corrected the visitor, his sensitive ear
    detecting the capitals.

    >they are speaking another language; so don't blame Unicode if this does not
    >work with this non-English language...

    > I'm really not sure that those slang words are so common. I ignored their
    > existence in some vernacular variants of English.

    They are not slang - see for example, ,

    The automatic capitalisation of proper names for title case is near the
    boundary of what one hope to do with simple data tables. 'McGowan is very
    difficult; 'Mackenzie' is impossible, for there are those who write their
    name 'MacKenzie'. Dutch 'IJsselmeer' is a much better example of what can
    be done. Other languages have difficulties with this placename - I can find
    both of 'IJsselmeer' and 'Ijsselmeer' in English, French and German.


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