NFD on u+AC00 contradicts NormalisationData.txt ?

From: Theodore H. Smith (
Date: Wed Jun 14 2006 - 13:25:23 CDT

  • Next message: Jeroen Ruigrok/asmodai: "Re: Tentative Definition of Casefolding"

    I'm testing some NFD code of mine. It does not do NFKD yet.

    This line from UnicodeData.txt

    AC00;<Hangul Syllable, First>;Lo;0;L;;;;;N;;;;;

    It says it has no decomposition.

    I don't get it! It seems to contradict this line from

    320E;320E;320E; 0028 AC00 0029; 0028 1100 1161 0029;

    apparantly "0028 AC00 0029" should decompose to "0028 1100 1161
    0029", according to this:

    # NFD
    # c3 == NFD(c1) == NFD(c2) == NFD(c3)
    # c5 == NFD(c4) == NFD(c5)

    What's wrong?? Is my decomposer wrong? Does AC00 actually decompose?

    Could it be that NormalisationData.txt needs to be understood in a
    different way than I'm understanding it? I know that 320E should
    decompose to "0028 1100 1161 0029", but... what's that got to do
    with the line of text above? Because the rule stated in
    NormalisationData.txt applies to NFD!!


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